Turkey Youth Clubs Confederation
Youth Clubs Confederation is a non-governmental organisation formed in 2013, based in Ankara, Turkey. YCC is consist of 8 federation which are Akdeniz Youth Clubs Federation, Dogu Anadolu Youth Clubs Fedaration, Ege Youth Clubs Federation, Guneydogu Anadolu Youth Clubs Federation, Ic Anadolu Youth Clubs Federation, Karadeniz Youth Clubs Federation, Marmara Youth Clubs Federation, and Youth and Sport Federation in the 7 region of Turkey. YCC has 124 nongovernmental organisations member which are located in 81 cities in Turkey. YCC has European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS) and European Volunteer Service accreditation as coordinating and sending organization. Our objectives: - To promote culture, sports, religious and other activities for preventing youth harmful habits and increasing free time quality, - To help young people with fewer opportunities (YPFO), - To organise trainings for making young people more employable, - To generate in young people a sense of responsibility and ownership for the actions they undertake and to develop their citizenship and involvement in their communities, - To encourage young people through activities and discussions to develop a healthier, safer, active lifestyle, - To develop personal, social, physical and educational potential of young people through programmes of sports, educational and social activities, - To provide information, advice and guidance for young people on employment, education, training, sports and other activities, - To organise educational workshops on crime, drugs, gang violence, healthy living, career, and jobs. The organisation is divided into five departments which work together and manage activities in their specific fields: European Cooperation, International Cooperation, Mobility, Socio-cultural Promotion and Education & Research. The head office is located in the city centre of Ankara with professional teams, manager, youth worker and volunteers.
For more information: https://genckonfed.org/